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  1. C

    Weekly Question Thread - Week of 10/1/2018

    Because by definition, if your rep strength is maintaining you're by definition recovering, thus not overtraining.
  2. C

    Weekly Question Thread - Week of 10/1/2018

    @devotionspirit That's a good start, but sometimes (especially during a diet) you can feel like crap but still not be overtraining. Personally I'd not drop volume until you see performance drop off, so if you keep the weight on the bar or increase a small amount and your reps drop off big time.
  3. C

    Weekly Question Thread - Week of 10/1/2018

    @devotionspirit That seems like a good start. On the training side I like your thinking, if your performance drops you may need to drop volume a bit but don't drop it until you need to. On the diet side, when weight loss stalls each time, you can drop more food or cardio, whatever is easier for...