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  1. J

    The only people who say, "It's all downhill after X" are those who were already going downhill the decade before

    @passiflora Yes the decline for me has been MUCH slower than family and friends. And I definitely think it's great to pursue new things to improve upon, like you mentioned. I've been doing the big lifts (deads, squats, bench and OHP) for 12 years and haven't really hit any 1 rep max PRs in...
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    The only people who say, "It's all downhill after X" are those who were already going downhill the decade before

    @prestonmcghee I heavily agree with your overall sentiment but I will say there's at least a kernel of truth to what they are saying. I'm 40 and have been consistently working out the past 12 years. There's definitely been a bit of a decline in certain areas, mostly staying up late and...
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    Titan Fitness is doing a one day flash sale (4/9/21) of their 32kg adjustable kettlebell

    @nataliekennard Yeah, if I were to live in an apartment again I'd be happy with a pair of adjustable bells. As it stands I have a whole garage bay (plus the outside) when the weather is nice and pretty much the whole basement for winter so space is not too much of a concern for me... At least...
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    2024 Goals - Seeking Advice

    @fionar Based on another comment you said you don't really care if you achieve the goals so I guess it doesn't matter. Everyone's psychology is different and if you're happy and can stay motivated completely whiffing on most of your goals then have at it, most people I know would get very...
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    2024 Goals - Seeking Advice

    @fionar These are some insanely lofty goals for one year dude, especially while losing weight.
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    Titan Fitness is doing a one day flash sale (4/9/21) of their 32kg adjustable kettlebell

    @nataliekennard I can't speak to the quality of Titan's KBs but I've heard from others that they are great for the cost. Maybe others can chime in and share their experience but I wouldn't recommend adjustable bells unless money and/or space are extreme limiting factors. I thought about getting...
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    Titan Fitness is doing a one day flash sale (4/9/21) of their 32kg adjustable kettlebell

    @shatabj Makes sense, steel is going up in price.
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    Consistently terrible F45 results

    @kitten22 What’s wrong with burpees? Great bang for the buck exercise in my opinion. If this is just an attempt at humor good job, I did laugh even though I disagree.
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    Kettlebells made out of . . . (?)

    @faithinmet BRB, protesting in front of KB kings headquarters until they make me a neptunium bell.
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    Why don't men hire health coaches as much as women?

    @gm0nkx I did CrossFit for years and the main gender difference I noticed was women are generally far more concerned about form, usually went way lighter than they needed to and almost never got injured but progress slower. Men on the other hand would care a lot less about form, start with...
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    How to sleep for 8 hours?

    @trichakra Personally I eat in the evenings. Usually 5-9pm and that works great for me. Then my wife eats mostly 1-2 pm with a post dinner time snack (no dinner) and seems to sleep best that way. Really wish it was one size fits all but it’s not.
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    How to sleep for 8 hours?

    @trichakra I’m similar to you in age and protocols (40, OMAD, usually in bed around 9) and I also only sleep about 5 hours at least in the winter (more when it’s warmer). The key difference is I don’t use caffeine at all and I feel well rested. Not trying to flex just pointing out even if you...
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    Is 300 swings/day effective on its own?

    @nipun I mean, if that's all you have time and/or determination for then it has to be enough. More would be better, I do 500 swings most days with over 300 of the reps being a 32KG+ bell and do more work on top of that but last year at this time that was too much commitment so I was basically...
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    Is 300 swings/day effective on its own?

    @nipun You should see some solid results. Not sure how out of shape you are at this point but it’s probably smart to ramp up to 300 reps instead of starting there if you’ve been sedentary for a while. Maybe start with 100 and go from there, if you’re fresh the next day maybe add 50 reps, if...