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  1. R

    Gym employee hit on me and asked for my number.. do I mention how uncomfortable that makes me to a different manager?

    @skipster Yeah, no. Thank you for taking everything out of context and creating your own little world. OP was uncomfortable, and if you read the post you can see that she herself is 1. Debating on telling management and 2. Originally concerned with how to let the guy down gently (in which case...
  2. R

    Gym employee hit on me and asked for my number.. do I mention how uncomfortable that makes me to a different manager?

    @skipster I’m trying to understand where I said OP has a responsibility to protect him, and where it was mentioned she was sexualized? Whatever OP decides to do is her business at the end of the day. That’s it.
  3. R

    Gym employee hit on me and asked for my number.. do I mention how uncomfortable that makes me to a different manager?

    @skipster ?? I think y’all are looking way too deep into this. If OP wants to tell a manager, she can do so. If she wants to tell the dude to back away and give her space, she can do so as well. Either way OP isn’t in the wrong but to assume that this guy was all like ‘fuck yes I will use my...
  4. R

    Gym employee hit on me and asked for my number.. do I mention how uncomfortable that makes me to a different manager?

    @maggiecutajar Yeah, not even an employee/manager situation but more so just as a person, I would give him a chance to stop. Since OP was cornered (NOT ur fault. I would’ve done the same thing) he got her number and probably thought she was interested. If he keeps pursuing then go to a manager.