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  1. C

    Need someone objectively eyeballing progress!

    Also I would like to point out maybe you're bulking too fast, usually bulks should be slow and steady as that way you gain better results over time.
  2. C

    Need someone objectively eyeballing progress!

    @evolutionhappens754 Waist circumference definitely increases during a bulk as you gain fat %, however if you're a new lifter, it is usually decreasing even when you're bulking due to the newbie gains and body recomp phase at the start. Maybe you might want to dial in your calories and start...
  3. C

    Need someone objectively eyeballing progress!

    @evolutionhappens754 No offense or anything, but as a natural I feel like you havent really focussed on a proper training split and diet. You might've worked out but your diet is probably questionable. The main cause for concern is your increase in waist circumference.