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  1. M

    Advice needed, did I hit my genetic ceiling?

    @gwpga17 I know you’re frustrated but your body is amazing. Super nice toning and you absolutely look like you lift.
  2. M

    Do you need to Gain Weight, Lose Weight, or Maintain Weight? Look Here First!

    @jajejllc How does creatine factor into this .5-.75 weight gain? I just started working out, started taking 3g of creatine every day, and slightly upped my calories. How much weight could the creatine (with water) add in itself? Should I take that into consideration and allow for more weight...
  3. M

    I started working out a month ago, but I am gaining weight instead of loosing

    @mrnarthex Just use a program like loseit to log EVERYTHING you eat for a while. Best way to find out if you eat too much or not.