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  1. S

    How do you make exercise not about weight loss?

    @grateful4466 Sure, if it helps - then great! It’s just sad how many people I see who go into fitness with the only goal of losing weight and drop it after a month or so because the don’t see the results they want :( My approach is in line with OPs - going into fitness for other goals than...
  2. S

    How do you make exercise not about weight loss?

    @grateful4466 Well, not really. As I outlined I definitely see benefits (even visual) in training, but without improving your diet and eating less you're probably won't see results. I am the perfect example - I was always an active kid, taking dancing classes, jogging. And now gym. But over...
  3. S

    How do you make exercise not about weight loss?

    Also, I feel like superwoman when lifting those barbells, sometimes even outlifting some men there 😁
  4. S

    How do you make exercise not about weight loss?

    @uticus As an on and off overweight person (female), who had been exercising consistently for about 8 years, here's my perspective: I genuinely believe that exercise isn't the way to lose weight. It's and "add-on" that helps you sculpt your body and feel great. There are a lot of study done...