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  1. A

    Nike metcon 1 issue, sole peeled off

    They told me that i need to travel again and get them to the store. great repair work... I buy that shoes in austria - i am from slovakia... travel expences cost me like 2 times price of the shoes :) Its there factory store, its there product like WTF? Its europe nike really that bad? I bet...
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    Nike metcon 1 issue, sole peeled off

    @notthereyet As i said, mine was send for repair. Its maybe ok for normal lifestyle shoes but for performance shoe? That was really wierd from Nike in my eyes.
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    Nike metcon 1 issue, sole peeled off

    Is this problem wiht all metcons 1 or just some bad badges, pieces? I happen to me and i buyed my metcons in another country.. Nike told me that i need to bring it back to retailer,so i did it. They wanna fix it (glued sole back on fitness shoe... great idea) I waited for that great repair...