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    5'2" F 1600-1700 calories + some walking ?

    @irishamerican4christ I’m 5’2 and have PCOS, but if I did that I would slowly but surely gain. Without knowing more about your current weight, age and whether you have a particularly slow or fast metabolism for a woman of your stats, it’s hard to say for sure. Might be worth a try if you’re...
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    The answer to all the “why am I not losing weight?” posts

    @montana1056 TDEE calculators don’t do bad calculations, they assume the user has an average metabolism. If you gave it correct weight, age and height info the calculations weren’t the problem. The math was fine, the assumptions behind the numbers were the issue.
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    Plateauing 8 pounds above my goal

    @corgigal For me it comes down to tracking. Running did speed the process along slightly, but it was harder to gauge progress because it made the scale less reliable when I put on inevitable water weight from “the pump”.
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    Is it true that you have to decrease your calorie intake as you lose weight?

    @debate507 The smaller you are, the lower your BMR becomes. Theoretically if you are metabolically healthy then your appetite may decrease somewhat to reflect this, and you may find it is more comfortable to eat under 1350 In sedentary days, especially if you eat for volume. If 1350 is less...
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    The answer to all the “why am I not losing weight?” posts

    @butterfly2222 I saw that, but it’s not really a calculation issue, so I feel it deserves separate 5th category.
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    The answer to all the “why am I not losing weight?” posts

    @butterfly2222 You have a metabolic disorder or other medical issue that lowers your BMR significantly compared to what TDEE calculators estimate. It’s less of a calculation issue and more of an estimation issue. Issues like PCOS are way more common that people realize, it can affect 10-20% of...
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    Is it appropriate for a coach to physically correct you?

    @kingshellie He should have asked!
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    Is it appropriate for a coach to physically correct you?

    @kingshellie Even if it was well-intended, there is only one potential reason I can think of why he couldn’t have checked with you prior and obtained consent, and that’s to avoid an IMMINENT safety threat. Was that the case?
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    Are clothes getting bigger or is it just me? 5'2,160lbs, size 8, and fitting smalls???

    @mayz Very anecdotal, but my teacup sized sister buys clothes from Asian retailers online for fitted clothes. For a baggier look she buys the XS from American and European brands.
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    I hate working out

    @sriram Ironically, your conception of fairness isn’t actually very fair. Reality is not going to bend itself to anyone’s will, and wishing to be an exception rather than learning to work more harmoniously with the way of things is a form of cruelty to oneself. Sounds like there is a lot of...
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    TDEE, Calories (Daily/Weekly), & Losing Weight

    @aventador Doing OMAD with a big deficit on an aggressive timeline is already a bad idea, and doing it while working out that much at your weight? I’m sorry but that is ridiculous, this is the recipe to lose what muscle tissue you do have, plus other tissues too. This is the OPPOSITE of what you...
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    TDEE, Calories (Daily/Weekly), & Losing Weight

    @gladius Well put. I’m very concerned that OP is heading in a dangerous direction and has a very unrealistic and unhealthy notion of how to improve fitness. Their plan makes zero sense.
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    Unexplained weight gain

    @beryybverry PCOS can lower your BMR significantly due to higher insulin, cortisol, and inflammatory issues. I found that sticking to a low-glycemic Mediterranean diet and taking inositol supplements helped lower my insulin significantly after 6 months, but ultimately my BMR is still lower than...