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    TDEE, Calories (Daily/Weekly), & Losing Weight

    @soulriderx Hi. Thank you for your response. For a bit of background info, I was at a much lower weight last year (104lbs being my lowest), but within a few months, I gained weight due to stress eating which was a first for me. Some people may think negatively about how I was at such a low...
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    TDEE, Calories (Daily/Weekly), & Losing Weight

    @iamfavored2015 No worries! Thanks for telling me about the spreadsheet! I've started using it & input data for 3 days so far. Do you input the EXACT amount of calories or do you round it up? Do you think it would still work if I round the calorie numbers up to the 10s or even 100s?
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    TDEE, Calories (Daily/Weekly), & Losing Weight

    @iamfavored2015 Thank you for your advice. I understand 9 lbs in 2 months is a lot. I probably should have mentioned that my starting weight was 117-118 when I started 2 months ago. Didn't really mean to say that I'm trying to lose 9 lbs in 2 months from now. I also DON'T eat 1100 calories. I...
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    TDEE, Calories (Daily/Weekly), & Losing Weight

    @tmthy21 I've been trying to eat at least 90-100g, but some days were slightly harder to reach this because I ate more carbs & was trying to not be in a calorie surplus. On the days I do reach the protein goals, I found egg whites & protein shakes to be very helpful. Is there a certain amount...
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    TDEE, Calories (Daily/Weekly), & Losing Weight

    @gladius Thank you for your advice. I thought that cutting was for losing fat. I'm not exactly sure how to recomp, but I will definitely look into that. I have also been strength training for a couple months now to build muscle & I will continue to do so.
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    TDEE, Calories (Daily/Weekly), & Losing Weight

    @zastari Thank you. I wasn't sure if it was light or moderate exercise, so I'll use the tdee for moderate. I understand that 1100 is low, which is why I wanted to ask about calorie goals other women have. I'd like to mention that I actually DON'T eat 1100 calories. Probably have been eating...
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    TDEE, Calories (Daily/Weekly), & Losing Weight

    Hello. It's my first time posting here. I've learned a lot after reading people's experiences in their weight loss journey. I started my weight loss in January 2024. I have some questions regarding tdee & calories. I know there are plenty of posts & information about this, but I just want to...