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  1. W

    What could contribute to low test levels in a natural male "healthy" teenager (me)?

    @stickywicket Gotcha. I was trying to avoid a doctor’s visit because of finances but if that’s my only option then I’ll visit. Thank you.
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    What could contribute to low test levels in a natural male "healthy" teenager (me)?

    @dawn16 It’s interesting though because I felt a lot better (though hungrier) when I was eating a lot less (I was originally 200lbs and bottomed out at 155lbs). But I didn’t consider my sleep quality, since my dormmate hasn’t been bothered by it so that’s why I never thought about it. I also...
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    What could contribute to low test levels in a natural male "healthy" teenager (me)?

    @weeppee Gotcha. Sorry I am new to using this website I’m not sure what may actually be appropriate. Thank you
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    What could contribute to low test levels in a natural male "healthy" teenager (me)?

    @pinetowntree I’ll do that then. I was just trying to find an alternate route because of the money but I don’t think it’s avoidable at this point
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    What could contribute to low test levels in a natural male "healthy" teenager (me)?

    I am an 18 year old college male. I sleep at least 7 hours a day (way more on weekends, even getting to the point where it feels unhealthy) and exercise 5-6 times a week both doing weight training and cardio. I started weight training about a year and a half ago seriously and have been keeping...