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  1. P

    Adding Glutes to Thinner Leaner Stronger 1 year plan?

    @jaz2001 I have seen people say similar, I bought the book a few years ago before this all came out. I'm not doing SC but even if I was he wouldn't be getting any more money etc from me.
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    Adding Glutes to Thinner Leaner Stronger 1 year plan?

    @fkjg Thank you this is really helpful! I'll have to see if my gym has a safety bar, I haven't heard of them before. I'm okay without of reps if it gets me the shape I want 🙂
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    Adding Glutes to Thinner Leaner Stronger 1 year plan?

    @de I do a very wide stance anyway otherwise I physically can't squat. I do high bar. Would low bar be okay if I already have a forward lean?
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    Adding Glutes to Thinner Leaner Stronger 1 year plan?

    @catholics_r_christians Thanks for the advice, I'm only 5ft 2 but I believe I have long femurs proportional to the tibia of my and deep hip sockets which are making squatting very difficult. I can just about reach parallel after lots of practice even though I have more forward lean than I'd...
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    Adding Glutes to Thinner Leaner Stronger 1 year plan?

    @thelordismyshepherdloljks Thank you I'll take a look at your post! I did a search before posting so not sure how I missed it 😅
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    Adding Glutes to Thinner Leaner Stronger 1 year plan?

    @oldworshipper Thank you, I've heard b stance mentioned a few times so will look into it. Never thought about supersetting, great idea!
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    Adding Glutes to Thinner Leaner Stronger 1 year plan?

    Hey lovely ladies, I'm a newbie lifter (lifted for a few months a few years ago and got really into it but had to stop due to a complex twin pregnancy) I've recently got back into lifting heavy and after dithering over Strong Curves (SC) or Thinner Leaner Stronger (TLS) I decided to go with...