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  1. L

    Issues at the gym with 2 dudes

    @dawn16 It is REALLY hit or miss. Some gyms are all about community, others are completely hands-off, and some are macho/“patriotic”/bastions of shitty behavior. That’s why I keep pushing OP to take things in her own hands before going to management. I think adding management to the equation...
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    Issues at the gym with 2 dudes

    @dawn16 If it’s an understaffed club there’s not much most will/can do. It all depends on if there are cameras and whether the club is willing to potentially lose two memberships instead of just OP’s. I wish it wasn’t like that, it really depends on the gym owners. But it is very likely that...
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    Issues at the gym with 2 dudes

    @austinjoel2001 Totally get that. I ran a key club for 7 years with my partner and a lot of times, boys like that will only respond to bigger, angrier men. But I was able to deal with a lot of situations — especially when it came to kids who had insecurity, anger, lifting, and social awkwardness...
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    Issues at the gym with 2 dudes

    @kcorn I wish that was true, but it hasn’t been, in my experience
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    Issues at the gym with 2 dudes

    @marylouise Unfortunately for OP, threatening to leave in this scenario might actually give management a reason not to do anything. A lot of people will hear “I’ll leave if you don’t confront these guys” as ”This situation will extinguish itself.” Threatening to take yourself out of the...
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    Issues at the gym with 2 dudes

    @marylouise Can I ask if that has worked for you? I’m open to new ideas, but every time I’ve approached management (or seen a friend do it) it does not result in getting what I/they really want. It usually results in a higher-anxiety situation that the non-confrontational person eventually...
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    Issues at the gym with 2 dudes

    @marylouise The only reason I don’t completely agree with this is that OP is not in control in this scenario. What I expect would happen is that she reports and if there’s no change she’s worried that they were spoken to about their behavior and decided to continue. If there is a change it...
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    Issues at the gym with 2 dudes

    @austinjoel2001 Hey OP, is the gym staffed? If it is, that’s good. Have you ever spoken to these guys? That would be my first move - and start by talking to them in a nice way. Humanize yourself. If they’re fucking with you, they think you’re a prop and are trying to get a rise out of you. If...
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    Issues at the gym with 2 dudes

    @austinjoel2001 Do you know who owns your gym? If it’s a woman, she will likely understand your issue. I think it’s less certain if it’s a guy. Definitely talk to them, but be aware that a lot of guys will say “did you ask them to move?” And “yeah, they’re spastic, but I don’t see anything wrong...