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    Can doing less *really* lead to more results?

    @0st Alcohol is a big hormone disrupter. I don’t know the specific science off the top of my head, but check out The Huberman Lab podcast #82: What Alcohol Does to Your Brain, Body and Health, it was incredibly informative. All I know is that my body is night and day better off after quitting...
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    Can doing less *really* lead to more results?

    @raevenbee It’s a loooong story haha. I went to a new OBGYN in 2018 for a procedure, and he was the first person to tell me that PCOS resolves in 80% of women (don’t quote me on the statistic) by age 30. Idk if this is bs. But for me, I started getting a regular period unprompted at around age...
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    Can doing less *really* lead to more results?

    @papabear4811 No disrespect, but you don’t know me lol. Yes alcohol was the problem, but I wasn’t drinking every day to extremes. I also had an extreme hormone imbalance contributing to my body’s inability to lose weight.
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    Can doing less *really* lead to more results?

    @papabear4811 None - I never tracked alcohol lol
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    Can doing less *really* lead to more results?

    @0st I used to have PCOS, now my symptoms have mostly resolved (I have a regular period, I’m not starving all the time, my depression is manageable), but I still struggle with low energy, hunger, and generalized depression. I recently lost 40 lbs by quitting drinking, going from 1300 cal/day to...