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  1. M

    Having very difficult time getting back to fitness after 2 month of break

    @uzezi Yeah i used to eat healthy but now im relying on eggs and spam because of lack of motivation and difficulty cooking
  2. M

    Having very difficult time getting back to fitness after 2 month of break

    @uzezi 2000 calories per day, with 150g carbs 160 protein and rest fat. I cook and prep my own meals
  3. M

    Having very difficult time getting back to fitness after 2 month of break

    @perplexedearthling1 I used to literally get up at 4:30am before the alarm went off, and 6am on the off days. Now, I can sleep forever if I wanted to but usually up by 6:45~7:30am to walk my dogs and prepare for work
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    Having very difficult time getting back to fitness after 2 month of break

    @perplexedearthling1 I actually wake up at 4:30am with my alarm on but fall asleep right after dismissing it. And that's when I can sleep in until 1pm if no one wakes me up. I used to wake up normally at latest 6am but idk these days
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    Having very difficult time getting back to fitness after 2 month of break

    @perplexedearthling1 For me its the big 3 and i love progressing each week. I alsp crave it as well but the only open window i havw is at 4:30am and its getting harder for me to wake up on time
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    Having very difficult time getting back to fitness after 2 month of break

    @joyfulboy My doctor suggested I may have sleep apnea which affects my recovery and I do snore a lot since I gained my weight back. I had some family issues which resolved peacefully so Idk the cause of symptom
  7. M

    Having very difficult time getting back to fitness after 2 month of break

    History: did 6 years on and off on 5/3/1 (injury+covid lockdown), lost 100lbs, maintained the weight for 2 years, gained 50lbs during COVID, gained additional 15lbs while working out but had to take 2 months of break from lifting due to personal injury and obligation. I used to be an avid...