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  1. M

    Can’t progress pull ups - need some help with strategizing

    @bettsw3588 On the 2nd step. Is that to build strength at that point in the pull up?
  2. M

    Can’t wake up after a hard workout

    @robg Sleep but deep sleep. Look into Magnesium or Ashwaghanda to help with that. Look into the benefits and get a small bottle to try out to see if it works for you. I take either of those on workout days and I notice a difference the next morning.
  3. M

    Can’t progress pull ups - need some help with strategizing

    @chickuhdee20 Starting this tomorrow! I'll check back in too!
  4. M

    Can’t progress pull ups - need some help with strategizing

    @chickuhdee20 So, stay at the top of the bar for as long as I can. And do a controlled descent as slow as physically possible? This sounds like it can work. Do I start out with a max of 3 reps per day?