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  1. N

    Can doing less *really* lead to more results?

    @lvsjesus Yup same! I lost 90% of my baby weight through breastfeeding and diet and walking (progressive overload with carrying a growing baby on me while I walked lol). Didn't do any traditional cardio
  2. N

    Can doing less *really* lead to more results?

    @0st Yes, I focused on really keeping a clean diet (I roughly tracked for the first week but kind of kept a "formula" of meals that worked for me, still went out with friends and enjoyed food, I don't really drink). My main movement was walking (did home workouts too). I lost about 9lb of pure...
  3. N

    Can doing less *really* lead to more results?

    @0st If you're on a plateau you can deload (or rest) for 1-2 weeks. Everyone's different, test it out for yourself. PS: I achieved fat loss (without too much muscle loss) entirely through diet and home workouts (I primarily lift in a powerlifting style, taking 3 months off was great for the...