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  1. B

    It’s okay if you don’t want to do at home workouts right now

    @mam2011 I don't know where you are, but in most places you're still able to go walk if you keep your distance/don't go to super crowded places. Taking my pup to the park has helped keep me sane! I've also started dancing in the mornings to combat the struggle of waking up (since time is losing...
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    It’s okay if you don’t want to do at home workouts right now

    @courtneekmroberts You're absolutely right - I'm trying really hard to just aim for a couple of hours of productivity and be satisfied with that. My husband got me a switch for Christmas and tbh his timing could not have been better - Mario is providing me so much comfort haha. As are the bagels 🤤
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    It’s okay if you don’t want to do at home workouts right now

    @mam2011 Thank you so much for this 🥰 it does feel a bit like grief - I've been fighting depression for a while and moved to Toronto about a month ago. I was so excited to get a change and have more opportunities, and my mental health was starting to get better than it had been in years, but the...
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    It’s okay if you don’t want to do at home workouts right now

    @triplej68 I don't think it's useless if it brings you some joy, or even just a bit of distraction! In times like these there is no such thing as too much cute. I think knitting is a great activity for isolation, too. Ya gotta use your brain at least a little bit and I think seeing a project...
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    It’s okay if you don’t want to do at home workouts right now

    @vivian100 Thank you fellow goblin 💕 I've been trying really hard to set a routine to quell my own anxiety but it's hard to fight the feeling that time has no meaning - sooo I too am a greasy little goblin who's almost always in pyjamas now.
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    It’s okay if you don’t want to do at home workouts right now

    @dawn16 I'm definitely there too, I recently moved and was/am looking for a new job, but opportunities have pretty much dried up and its given me crazy anxiety. My husband is still getting paid but not quite enough to support a housewife lol. I'm sorry to hear about your friend - there's so...
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    It’s okay if you don’t want to do at home workouts right now

    @dawn16 That's a really good point! Tbh you're a godamn hero for getting on the treadmill at all during what sounds like a crazy busy time. I hope it's helping alleviate some potential stress :)
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    It’s okay if you don’t want to do at home workouts right now

    @gumcareblog UGH THE PUSHUP CHALLENGE. I've been really struggling with not feeling like a piece of garbage watching my friends bake every type of bread bread, do 4 hour yoga sessions, learn how to cross stitch and master the trumpet by the end of the day, while I sit in my pyjamas trying to...