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  1. C

    Am I working out wrong? .... 22y/o - 5'8" - 147 Lb

    @mamajaiy Here is a great write up on nutrtion
  2. C

    Am I working out wrong? .... 22y/o - 5'8" - 147 Lb

    @mamajaiy No one has said you gained 27 pounds in 3 years. With you being lean most of that was muscle. That is some nice gains. If you want more gains eat more. If your worried about your gut then I keep it closer to 20% above maintenance. Which would be something like 2300 -2500 depending on...
  3. C

    Golfers Elbow Just As I Was Getting Back Into It

    @harmonmarie By focusing on pulling with the index finger you will decrease the strain on the flexor digitorum, which should help your golfers elbow heal.
  4. C

    Golfers Elbow Just As I Was Getting Back Into It

    @harmonmarie Drive with index finger. A lot of times with rows or pull ups, we will drive with the hand not focusing on any fingers. This will put the focus on the middle or ring finger. If you learn to drive with the index it will help prevent future golfer/tennis elbow issues. As far as...