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  1. M

    PPLUL Split.. Enough volume on all muscle groups?

    @onedayatatime549 I am an advocate of quality over quantity and I know that if I really push myself to RIR 1-2 over my mesocycle I cannot do too much of a volume, so I rather keep it on the lower side. 12 sets of back on pull day is a lot by my standards but if you have good recovery I think...
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    PPLUL Split.. Enough volume on all muscle groups?

    @onedayatatime549 Volume seems to be quite high, but if you are not a beginner you'll be okay. We have almost same structure of training. Just look at lower days as squats, rdl and leg press seems like overkill to me .
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    Do you guys use any supplements?

    @mayaann Creatine, D, Omega-3, Ashwagandha, Magnesium and Zinc
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    Cardio vs Calorie Deficit while Cutting

    @brokenjoker Depends on context but during my whole prep I haven't done any cardio but 15000 steps and lowered my calorie intake from 3300kcal to 2700 Also I do bike to work every day but I do not count that as a cardio 😅
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    BodybyYake's Contest Prep Write-up!

    @xrainny Did you lower your calorie intake on other days to incorporate those higher days or did you just dieted 5days a week (2days/week on maintanace)?
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    11 weeks out from my first official classic physique show/s

    @ssl Thank you! I dont think there are any differences, maybe I train smarter, but I think I am pretty much ok with my recovery.
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    BodybyYake's Contest Prep Write-up!

    @xrainny How many high carb days did you have weekly?
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    BodybyYake's Contest Prep Write-up!

    @xrainny What was your normal low and high carb day intake?
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    BodybyYake's Contest Prep Write-up!

    @xrainny Wow, that's a lot, really great job! ..and I thought I am already prepped for my show :D :D
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    11 weeks out from my first official classic physique show/s

    @sam088 great to hear, I actually like to write those
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    BodybyYake's Contest Prep Write-up!

    @xrainny Great man, congratulations, really nice physique! May I ask what's the weight difference between the 10 weeks out and the 1 week out?
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    11 weeks out from my first official classic physique show/s

    @cookiesforthree I tried to do my research and bought a really short one very similar to the one Eric Lee Salazar used in his prep.
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    11 weeks out from my first official classic physique show/s

    29y, 173cm around 70kg right now (diet break and deload in) Front relaxed from my morning physique check: So I really wanted to try competing again after 5 years break (yeah a long one) and here I am in my full beauty :D I am really sure some of you could remember I...