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    Are there any exercise more brutal than the horse stance?

    @graced1257 Try deep sissy squats, pistol squats, or shrimp squats.
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    Fitness apps that don't emphasize weight loss?

    @denise4him Yup! Forgot about the strength score, I really liked that feature. And premium had a body composition (from photo) feature too, not sure how accurate it is but an interesting idea.
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    Fitness apps that don't emphasize weight loss?

    @veroch Here for you ♥️ I’m glad you like it!!
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    Fitness apps that don't emphasize weight loss?

    @jbsimmons I liked Caliber (free app) for a few years. It was created by a redditor and has some great features for setting up a fitness routine. When you first log in, you enter how many days a week you exercise, what equipment you have access to, and what your experience level is with lifting...
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    Your body is someone else’s goal

    @faithful12 I’ve had body image issues since middle school and constantly hid behind baggy tee shirts and boys’ hoodies through high school. A couple years ago, when I had made great progress with my body image but was still self conscious of certain parts, I was at the gym when a girl...
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    DEXA + Bodpod results 22 F/ 130 lb/ 5'5/ ~19% Bodyfat

    @kevin247 Wow, that's crazy. So a woman would be living unhealthily to try to achieve the same low bodyfat percentages as a man can achieve (low single digits). Somehow this never occurred to me hahaha. Thank you so much for your insight!!
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    DEXA + Bodpod results 22 F/ 130 lb/ 5'5/ ~19% Bodyfat

    @kevin247 I know this sounds so incredibly naive, but as a complete compliment, you do not look like you're 19% body fat. Not that I have ANY expertise in eyeballing this kind of thing, but how could you possibly be that awesomely jacked and not be like 12% or lower, even bulking??
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    Urgent advice! Someone filming me at the gym. Gym won’t take action

    @cookiemon I hope you go to the police and get them involved so the manager has no choice but to comply with an investigation and finally do his damn job.
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    How to tell if you're overtraining/under recovering?

    @cozicup To add to this, is your form strong on these lifts? Are they super familiar to you and have you had critique on your form? Obviously the volume is the main issue and sounds utterly exhausting, but I wonder if you could be even more fatigued than anticipated without proper body mechanics.
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    Frustrated with barbell back squats

    @ortho I relate hard to literally everything in this post lol. Here are a couple things a trainer recently suggested to me: try doing a slow drop to correct depth (6 seconds) at 60-65% of your 1RM, then pop up as usual. This will help you identify if you’re compensating in any part of the lift...