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  1. M

    Is 22 eggs a day too much? Trying to cut quickly

    @conroy01 “lose all your carbs” what does that do? 🤨 cutting carbs is a good way to break down muscle…. and is a good way to have a really shitty workout.
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    Frustrated over being very fat.

    @when1959 Yea- I tend to mention the professor with the Twinkie diet whenever anyone mentions “I eat healthy but I’m gaining weight!” I didn’t lose weight (30 lbs) until I started tracking calories plus weighing and measuring everything I put in my mouth.
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    Is there anything I can do that doesn’t require me to change my diet, but will still make me loose weight?

    @psalms91forme Sure - you’ll get stronger. You just won’t lose fat. Protein is necessary to grow your muscles.
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    Risk v reward

    @ttcmacro 50M here. Pinched nerve at C5/C6 and C6/C7. Herniated disc in lower back. I also prioritized core after that and was leery of doing deadlifts or squats. I therefore don’t go for PRs and just lift what I arbitrarily consider “safe weight” of 165 lbs for DL and Squats. I then just do...
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    Is 22 eggs a day too much? Trying to cut quickly

    @conroy01 hating eggs is a pretty good reason to not eat 22 of them per day there’s a ton of alternatives if you’re trying to get your protein in. Eggs aren’t cheap either!
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    Is there anything I can do that doesn’t require me to change my diet, but will still make me loose weight?

    @psalms91forme sure. the body changes as we get older. We have to adapt. I could eat 1500 calories of potato chips as a snack when I was a teenager. Now? My maintenance calories is 1850/day with 6 hours of weight training a week, a 3 mile hill run/week, and 8k steps/day.
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    Is there anything I can do that doesn’t require me to change my diet, but will still make me loose weight?

    @psalms91forme Totally fine - just don’t complain about not getting your body to what you want. I’m sure that the majority of us would love to look like fitness models while eating everything we want and not doing any exercise.
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    What is the most optimal weight for me?

    @pastorgarymartin BMI is crap. I’m 50M, asian, 5’8”. I’m 157lb at about 20% BF and a decent amount of muscle. I think I’m barely below the “overweight” BMI rating with a 24 BMI.
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    Looking for encouragement..

    @olives If you were eating 2200 calories, you would likely be in a deficit. We just think youre eating more than you realize if you have been gaining weight. FWIW: I started taking creatine the day I started my last successful cut - a 500 calorie/day deficit over 16 weeks (with a few...
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    Is there anything I can do that doesn’t require me to change my diet, but will still make me loose weight?

    @psalms91forme it's not for everyone. It just happens to be the best way for some to reach your goals. We can always think "hey! I'm eating less! and healthier! why isn't this working?" go to r/CICO and see that everyone started losing weight once they measured and tracked everything. There are...
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    Is there anything I can do that doesn’t require me to change my diet, but will still make me loose weight?

    @psalms91forme It can be consistent. Just don’t expect to get rid of your belly. However, you can run ten miles a week and still eat your regular diet/calorie amount. That would move the needle. At a decent speed, you could burn maybe 1000 cals from that. ~3500 cals is about a lb of fat, so...
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    What are you eating during the week?

    @basicsacademy It looks you are just guesstimating your protein intake and calories if you’re listing 1000-1200 and then 1400-1700. TDEE calculator has you around 2000 cals/day for maintenance. Your weight loss/gain over your last 4/5 months will tell you if you’ve been eating in excess/with...
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    I cant lift more than 10 kilos in bicep curls. It’s been like this for 8 months

    @vincentleo good luck to you. I’m glad that you’re still able to exercise. I think that my mental state would have been better if I had done the same. I had a couple years of my son being in/out of the hospital / needing hourly medical attention at home, so I can empathize.