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  1. S

    What is your least nasty way to cut?

    @andrewss Your lifting routine is not clear (other than weekly frequency), but you are training heavy compound lifts max weight for one rep? That might be sub-optimal in many ways, including recovery. Those exercises at those low-rep put a serious strain on the body, even when you are your best.
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    Can doing only dips, pull ups pushups, situps, rows, and curls on the stationary bar give me a lean and muscular physique?

    @swordfighter Yes, calisthenics can get you pretty far. It will take commitment, though, and several months/years of training, plus a very strict diet (particularly for abs). For the average person, going to the gym and using dumbells and machines can be much easier than calisthenics. But if you...
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    Struggling to gain muscle mass

    @jrock8787 Cortisol is a hormone that the body produces under stress (either physical or mental). It contributes negatively to muscle growth. I personally suffer from anxiety disorder, so my cortisol level is usually sub-optimal, but well, just giving you a piece of advice that might help in...
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    Struggling to gain muscle mass

    @jrock8787 I would cut the running. If you are trying to build muscle mass, that is counter-productive. You are burning the calories your body would otherwise use to sustain muscle growth. Also, producing more cortisol, that goes without saying. Besides, your workouts are somewhat long (90...