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  1. J

    What’s in your water bottle at the gym?

    @lucyflor It does give you energy, just not in a stimulant effect type way. It gives you additional ATP, which is the molecule our body uses for energy in things like muscle contractions. So if you are using it consistently, you will probably get 1-2 extra reps per set than without.
  2. J

    What’s in your water bottle at the gym?

    @lucyflor Sure, I was just adding the mechanics of why this is the case in case you or anyone reading was interested.
  3. J

    What’s in your water bottle at the gym?

    @lucyflor Creatine will cause your muscles to retain more water, which is why vascularity decreases. The flipside is the muscles will look more full with that extra water.
  4. J

    Just watched a large man’s “what I eat in a day” IG real and once again mad at how little we can eat

    @jamsie It's a crime imo. I don't even understand how that would work?!
  5. J

    Not sure whether to continue cutting, stay at maintenance, or eat at a surplus (progress photos)

    @sheyla I agree that recomp while eating at maintenance is probably a good choice for OP, but what are you basing your suggested macros on? Even aggressive high protein splits stay around the 30-35% protein range. And with both fats and carbs so low this macro split is going to be very difficult...
  6. J

    Is there anything I can do that doesn’t require me to change my diet, but will still make me loose weight?

    @psalms91forme Limbs being lean while your gut is huge is a common way for men to store fat, and unfortunately, the very type of fat to be most concerned about for health reasons. This is visceral fat and is associated with heart issues, diabetes, and various cancers. Carbs don't inherently...
  7. J

    Switching to sculpt/low weight workouts to lean out?

    @virtualhope Hmm, that sounds like everything is fine. If overly muscular shoulders are the biggest issue, potentially lay off shoulder dominant movements. Like drop overhead press, shoulder press, delt flys. Are your shoulders really bouldery, like with super capped delts? Or is it more that...
  8. J

    Switching to sculpt/low weight workouts to lean out?

    @virtualhope I still think it would be worthwhile to have your hormone levels checked. The numbers don't add up, your maintenance should be around 1900-2100. At 1700, I would expect you to be losing weight. Slowly losing weight, but still seeing the scale trending downwards over time. Where on...
  9. J

    Switching to sculpt/low weight workouts to lean out?

    @virtualhope Weight is a function of calories in vs calories out, not the type of exercise you do. Your composition of lean mass vs fat mass gain or loss can be altered by dialing in nutrition, but looking "bulky" isn't the result of lifting heavy nor will taking a "sculpt" class lean you out...