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  1. J

    My Handstand Journey: What I wish I knew when I began

    Hi all, thought I'd share this to help anyone who is struggling or just starting out with their handstands. My HS journey began a good year and a half ago. It has taken me that long to competently and consistently hold 10+ second HSs (which was my original goal). I had a solid strength base...
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    How I got the Full Front Lever

    @burtonlux Hey. Its been awhile but I believe at the time I would train FL one pull day, and then one-arm chins the next pull day. The reason I stopped was because I got golfer’s elbow thanks to the OAC training. I’d wager if you wanted to really nail the FL in record time, just stick with that...
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    Who coined the term “calisthenics”?

    @solaslove Can’t tell if you’re pulling everyone’s leg or not...either way, I’ll bite. I googled your “Calisthenius” but couldn’t find anything. I did, however, find a Greek historian called “Callisthenes” who accompanied Alexander the Great on his Asian expedition. Wiki article here. Problem...
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    How I got the Full Front Lever

    @lmay4111 Yeah why not. It makes logical sense and the progressions are such that it gives the body time to adapt. I never really tested it with planche so can’t speak from experience. If you have success please do let me know!
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    The science behind the warmup

    @jermyn Thanks! This thread really blew up. I hope some of the exposure works in your favour ;-)
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    Who coined the term “calisthenics”?

    @dawn16 Amazing work! I’ll try summarise and add these to my original post.
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    The science behind the warmup

    @jermyn One day, when I’m not a poor postgrad student, I think I’d like to hire your services (or at least try out one of your programs). One final question if I may! You obviously prioritise rest and recuperation between workouts, but for skills like Handstands which arguably require daily...
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    How I got the Full Front Lever

    @smithsinha You’re welcome. Best of luck.
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    Who coined the term “calisthenics”?

    @psychosarah Some great extra info! Kind of matches what I found on Google Ngrams too (edited my post)
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    The science behind the warmup

    @jermyn Thanks for chiming in! I wonder, how often do you move throughout the day? Like, would you say you’re always moving about, whether that’s exercising, limbering, walking etc? As opposed to sitting sedentarily (at a desk, on the sofa, say). I think that perhaps the more a person moves...
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    How I got the Full Front Lever

    @smithsinha Very hard to say without knowing the ins and outs. Adding extra weight faster than your strength adaptations will lead to regression (in bodyweight skills). But saying that, it could also be overtraining, especially if you haven’t eased off for a long time. Fatigue does accumulate...
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    Who coined the term “calisthenics”?

    [The Etymology and Origins of the Word Calisthenics] According to Wikipedia, the etymology of “calisthenics” comes from: But as far as I can see there aren’t any details on where the term was originally coined, and who came up with it. This is purely for the sake of curiosity. Does anyone in...
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    How I got the Full Front Lever

    @smithsinha A deload would be my first go to. Depending on your training volume and length, could be a light week, or could be an entire week off. Failing that, I’d consider one training cycle doing a completely different program entirely: stop training FL and start training OACU on your pull...
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    How I got the Full Front Lever

    @smithsinha I’d say it’s mainly strength based tbh. Although of course there are crossovers between the two. If you desperately want a hypertrophy element I’d probably suggest doing a separate hypertrophic specific routine, but I don’t think it’s necessary to achieve the full FL.
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    How I got the Full Front Lever

    @smithsinha Hey, yeah I did get it again. Then lost it again due to a shoulder injury which I’m going through rehab on now. My biggest challenge seems to be actually keeping the FL. I swear by this FL programme. I have every intention of doing it again once my shoulder recovers. Good luck!
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    The science behind the warmup

    @damonfriend Perhaps similarly I find not warming up my wrists makes them feel horrible when training handstands
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    How I got the Full Front Lever

    @christianguy89 Geez that’s a lesson for us all I think, and something most of us are probably guilty of - showing off ours skills when our bodies aren’t prepared for it! I hope you can recover some of your skills again bud
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    I designed a map with progression trees for most popular bodyweight exercises

    @supperz0nic Dude keep us posted on the app. Interactive and clickable would be ace.
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    How I got the Full Front Lever

    @christianguy89 Man that's horrible. I'm really sorry to hear that. How did it happen?
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    The science behind the warmup

    @adamgarfield This is the first I’ve ever heard of this. Sounds interesting though, as in the body adapts to always receiving a warmup or not. Would you be able to share any evidence to back this up (ie. links to studies)?