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  1. M

    Calorie deficit and gym 3-4 times a week and not losing weight?

    @thomasjh You should invest in a food scale for more accurate calorie counting. Measuring things by cup is inaccurate. I see measuring things in cups and teaspoons as estimates. You won't truly know where you're landing unless you are measuring by weight. Additionally, who set your nutrition...
  2. M

    I went off track for FOUR DAYS and I gained 3 pounds. Just feeling really frustrated. 5’2” SW 125 GW 120 CW 126.6

    @adriana28 It's most likely water weight. As another comment stated, you literally would have to be going significantly going over maintenance to gain 3 lbs. You could have just been eating more sodium than you normal do, the food you've eaten may have not completely digested yet or something...
  3. M

    Cardio vs weights.. what my dietitian recommended

    @kroglk51 I don't disagree that cardio is important and a great tool for weightloss. Although I'm not sure if I agree that its better than lifting for body composition changes. Building muscles burns more fat in the long run than a more cardio intense plan. Maintaining muscles take more energy...