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  1. M

    Help understanding progressive overload

    @mommajulesberry Yeah, I've just seen a lot of people talking as if RiR is objectively better and builds more muscle because of some physiological response to adding weight to the bar when in reality it's just a fatigue managment tool for those who are absurdly jacked. Thanks to you and others...
  2. M

    Help understanding progressive overload

    @mommajulesberry Yeah which is kind of what I do but it's auto-regulated. If I go for a 4x8 then at some point my 1st, 2nd and 3rd set will be 2 or 3 rir but my final set of a specific movement will always be a 0rir set. I almost feel like a lot of rir training is people on certain substances...
  3. M

    Help understanding progressive overload

    @mayacruz1708 See, this is what I thought to. ~3 years ago when I googled Progressive Overload it explained exactly how I do it but now if you google it almost every explaination is RiR training. I tried asking this question elsewhere but I just got people telling me RiR is better because it's...
  4. M

    Help understanding progressive overload

    Hi, so I am on my 5th year of training now and I had a very basic understanding of progressive overload, and that understanding was that you have a target weight x sets x reps, E.G. 100kg bench for 4 sets of 8 reps. This means that your likely to go to failure on atleast your 3rd and 4th sets...