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    You don’t need to get super obsessive or neurotic about range of motion or training at long muscle lengths

    @leena2016 I mean, most of the exercises you mention are not hardest at the longest part though...
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    Long term high protein diets bad for your Kidneys? Past 5 years of research.

    @laura02375 Protein is 4 kcal per gram though.
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    What is your favorite MAG grip for lat pulldown?

    @blondie977 I actively avoid them, I use straps even for pulldowns / cable rows and I can't use it with them.
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    With progressive overload, do you guys increase the reps on your last set or your first set?

    @alexander5106954665 Depends on the kind of progression I'm aiming for. I basically setup my exercises in 3 different ways: Top set + "back-off" set. Despite the name, both sets are supposed to be hard and quite near (or at) failure; just the first set I have a range of reps that's lower (e.g...
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    Good exercises to train legs to failure with barbells and dumbbells only?

    @garwo123 Without safeties I'd argue back squats are easier to drop. With fronts you kinda need to jump back which is way harder than jumping forward when failing on back squats, or at least it feels that way to me.
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    High volume/highfrequecy advance Arnold split caused an energy crash/fatigue and muscle/joint sourness

    @kendraw This is garbage and the IG user you posted on a different comment is garbage too.