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  1. P

    7 months into lifting, feeling like I'm not doing good enough.

    @cleannie Not just quads, but glutes, hamstrings, and calves too! Everyone likes a good pair of buns.
  2. P

    7 months into lifting, feeling like I'm not doing good enough.

    @cleannie Don't get discouraged. Progress can be slow, consistency is key. On that note, if you're having trouble making it to the gym 4 times a week and missing lower days because of that, I would recommend switching to the 3 days per week full body split in Jeff Nippard's Fundamentals program...
  3. P

    Cardio vs Calorie Deficit while Cutting

    @brokenjoker You're going to end up as a twig. Twigs aren't aesthetic.
  4. P

    Cardio vs Calorie Deficit while Cutting

    @brokenjoker Ok, I have to ask, what's your goal here? You're in a bodybuilding sub, are you trying to build muscle? Because at 5'8" 158 lbs, without a previous bulk, it doesn't sound like you have a particularly high amount of muscle. On the other hand, it doesn't sound like you're overweight...