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    6-week mini cut results

    @jbs2512 Building muscle does make you leaner though. Like this woman ate more and started lifting to build muscle. Bulk and cut is how bodybuilders sculpt their physiques because it’s optimal for building well defined muscles. Michelle has done bulk and cut cycles to change her body...
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    6-week mini cut results

    @jbs2512 OP was eating 98g of protein at 110-112lbs. That’s considered high for active people, mostly bodybuilders aim for a significantly higher ratio. The same protein to body weight ratio would be 124g at 140lbs.
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    GIRLS WHO LIFT: What were your lift numbers after 3 months, 6 months, 1 year and 2 years lifting?

    @andy1993 I haven’t been lifting for 2 years yet. And I haven’t been consistent so my progress regressed at times. I’m 5’4’’ and starting weight 103 lbs. I was 110 lbs after a year. Starting off I was untrained in any kind of strength sport and these were my numbers when just learning...
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    Fashion Models and Height

    @anotherblowhard Rihanna’s lingerie line is the most inclusive brand I have seen with their models. Commercial modeling is where you see a normal variety in height. And magazines as opposed to runways have more variety in height.
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    Cut Complete - Need advice on programming for "Phase 2"

    @walknlight I don’t think the program matters, if you want to recomp and build muscle all over any balanced program is fine. You seem pretty lean already though at around 20%. But if you find this sustainable I suppose recomp to ~18% is feasible. It would be a slow process.
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    DEXA Results: 29F, 5'5", 126.1 lbs, 18.4% BF

    @tinabugs77 You look like high teens overall. You look like, and the DEXA results show, you have a pear shaped fat distribution so your upper body is leaner than your overall composition. But also DEXA tends to be ~3% higher than other methods. Some of the difference is because DEXA can measure...
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    Here’s body fat percentage results for someone who has never worked out

    @mikiee It’s different for calipers than it is for DEXA results
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    Does body recomposition actually work?

    @kagenonikki It’s because when you’re already thin not eating enough can prevent progress in terms of muscle gain. People are thinking the 2lbs is water weight. Since she maintained her weight eating that much without exercise she can’t be in a surplus.
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    Here’s body fat percentage results for someone who has never worked out

    @yourservant For analyzing my DEXA reports I like to use FMI(fat mass index) and FFMI(fat free mass index). Most women are 5-9 FMI and ~16 is average for FFMI. 4-5 FMI is a mild fat deficit and 35% is analogous to overweight. I’m 5’4’’ and have a bit more lean tissue than you now but when I...
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    Here’s body fat percentage results for someone who has never worked out

    @peterh99 I think 30-35% is normal for women. But DEXA tends to be higher and people think of calipers ranges with body fat. Based on what I’ve read over 35% is where you’d see an increase in health issues due to body fat. At...
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    Is it possible to recomp without dieting and tracking?

    @thetravman I made good progress without tracking. According to my DEXA scans in 5 months I gained a couple pounds while losing a little fat and gaining a few pounds of lean mass. I have tracked my calories before though. I also progressed faster while tracking but I was also doing a more...
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    [25 F] 59kg 168cm (130lbs 5'6") 24%BF dexa scan - To bulk or cut?

    @michellegen34 24% is low for women. You can see on her DEXA results page they have a Fat Mass Index with different ranges and she is on the low end of normal, close to the fat deficit range. This is a good chart for interpreting body fat percentage. Someone here posted this from a book by Lyle...