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  1. J

    What do you think of my PPL routine? Beginner looking for advice

    @johnc101 Yea that's pretty much what I've done. The only exercises that I´ve added that I do not have in my current routine are Incline Smith Machine, Shrugs and romanian deadlift. So I've basically just added more volume overall. For example Chest will go from 12 sets to 17 sets weekly.
  2. J

    What do you think of my PPL routine? Beginner looking for advice

    @txstudent145 Wait I noticed now that flat barbell bench is completely removed? Yes, my upper chest is lagging but to be fair, my whole chest is lagging overall.
  3. J

    What do you think of my PPL routine? Beginner looking for advice

    @txstudent145 Perfect! Have a great day and thanks for all your advice. Still 2.5 months left on my cut so I’m sticking with my boring upper lower split until then. Can’t wait for my next bulk and my new routine!
  4. J

    What do you think of my PPL routine? Beginner looking for advice

    @txstudent145 Last question: Regarding Push A: Would it be okay to put Incline Smith right after OHP and then do DB bench? Because I notice now that Upper chest is not targeted first on either A or B. Maybe it doesn't matter anyway? I have this thought that whatever part of the chest you're...
  5. J

    What do you think of my PPL routine? Beginner looking for advice

    @txstudent145 This looks great. Thanks a lot.
  6. J

    What do you think of my PPL routine? Beginner looking for advice

    @txstudent145 What is the reason I should do OHP first? I was thinking of doing it 2nd. Also, this means I will flat bench only once instead of twice as I first thought. Currently I chose 1 flat bench day for lower reps and one with higher, which should I keep?
  7. J

    What do you think of my PPL routine? Beginner looking for advice

    @txstudent145 Thank you! I will change it. Sadly I can’t do dips because I always feel pain in my right shoulder.
  8. J

    What do you think of my PPL routine? Beginner looking for advice

    @bronsontaur Thanks! Currently I put 5-6 reps for dead and 10-12 for romanians, is this good? Or should I go for 12-15 for romanians?
  9. J

    What do you think of my PPL routine? Beginner looking for advice

    @bronsontaur I see. I will remove Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press and add another Lateral on that Session instead. Great advice! However I really want to do Deadlifts, so maybe I should remove romanians instead and just do Lying Leg Curls instead like I do on the other leg workout? I've never...
  10. J

    What do you think of my PPL routine? Beginner looking for advice

    @bronsontaur Thanks for replying! Ok, so maybe removing standing dumbbell shoulder press and instead add another lateral? So you mean I should never Deadlift? Isn’t it good to at least do 1 deadlift per week? Is romanians more priority than deads?
  11. J

    What do you think of my PPL routine? Beginner looking for advice

    Been going to the gym for about a year. Started out with Full Body and now I´m doing Upper Lower. Currently on a cut and when I start bulking again I want to do PPL. I've spent a lot of hours creating my own routine, and would very much appreciate your insights! I'm happy to hear your thoughts...