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    5/3/1 (nSuns) with CrossFit question

    @niko4460 Sorry to ask this but I am a complete newbie: LISS stands for... lower intensity something something?
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    5/3/1 (nSuns) with CrossFit question

    @niko4460 Would you say this is true whether the wods are metcons or not? Appreciate the insight.
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    5/3/1 (nSuns) with CrossFit question

    @antonio99 This makes a lot of sense - helps a lot to hear someone else who has been in my position and what worked for you. Thanks!
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    5/3/1 (nSuns) with CrossFit question

    @bfall 15mpw as well, wow. I definitely will not be doing that, haha. Seems like you did what I was thinking - essentially used the metcon side of things to condition. I guess "listen to your body" is always good advice. I am mainly concerned with a scenario like wall balls after squat day...
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    5/3/1 (nSuns) with CrossFit question

    @pray4rslts I believe the recommended duration for nsuns is 2-3 months. Did you do multiple cycles or just 1? I’m wondering if it will become less manageable as I approach my cap of linear progression. I am still in the new lifter phase where I am adding weight frequently. Would you think that...
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    5/3/1 (nSuns) with CrossFit question

    @godsgirlox I am hoping the metcon or at least hiit style workouts will help my conditioning. I’d like to be able to not collapse when my wife invites me to be active or do a workout with her haha.
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    5/3/1 (nSuns) with CrossFit question

    @revdstephen Ok, thank you. So in your opinion, it’d be too much to treat nSuns the same way for recovery reasons as a result of the high volume? The point isn’t to get injured obviously haha.
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    5/3/1 (nSuns) with CrossFit question

    @revdstephen I am clearly not an expert, but I was operating by this description in the nSuns reddit : “Nsuns is 5/3/1 with a flexible accessory program and lots of volume on the t1/t2 lifts. “ I wanted to include 5/3/1 in the subject line in case people didn’t know what nSuns was since it is...
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    5/3/1 (nSuns) with CrossFit question

    @oddrob Ok just read your edit - excited to try this (responsibly). I am limited by strength atm, so this should really help.
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    5/3/1 (nSuns) with CrossFit question

    @oddrob Ok, thanks for this comment. So you wouldn’t only do metcons, you’d just scale appropriately even if it is the same muscle group? I’d love to be able to workout with my wife at her CrossFit box, but if I was limited to metcons it wouldn’t be worth it probably.
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    5/3/1 (nSuns) with CrossFit question

    @dawn16 Yeah, I agree, part of the entire appeal is the volume for me. Especially as a beginner/intermediate I can make progression much faster if it’s linear. I’ll let you know how it goes for me - I’m getting a lot of good advice from this post but generally seems to book down to: if you do...
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    5/3/1 (nSuns) with CrossFit question

    @dawn16 As someone else pointed out to me the nSuns variant is much higher volume. Just wanted to make sure you saw that info for your own purposes in interpreting the answers here.
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    5/3/1 (nSuns) with CrossFit question

    I am starting a nSuns lifting program (4 day variant) and I was hoping to do CrossFit on my off days. I have seen a few people on here mention doing something similar. I am wondering: do you guys just go to your local box and do whatever the wod is? Or are you doing your own workout that is a...
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    My box is setting up an “800 g Challenge”. Any anecdotes about participating or info about effects?

    @starrysunsets Yes - I have done this challenge and it was effective. I have done it while gaining and losing weight. You essentially just eat more real food and vegetables. This improved my digestion and, not to be graphic, but made my pooping schedule better than just supplementing with...
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    My box is setting up an “800 g Challenge”. Any anecdotes about participating or info about effects?

    @starrysunsets The nutritionist who designed this challenge is one of the most educated I’ve ever listened to. It is a great program - especially if you struggle with over eating or are trying to lose weight. It is extremely easy, and not restrictive. You only have to worry about making sure you...