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    Losing Weight with my 6’0 father. I’m so annoyed that it’s so easy for him

    @jeremytheanglercan Yeah that’s just ridiculous. Cutting only soda? Yeah my dad still gets to drink a glass of wine or 2 a night and still lose weight, and I’m like like only once a week did me. An inch is still incredible in a month! You’ve got this!
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    Losing Weight with my 6’0 father. I’m so annoyed that it’s so easy for him

    @labanswe Thank you so much! Yeah 10 lbs was at my peak. It’s slowed down a lot since I’ve been loosing my drive to exercise a bit but it’s still going! Thanks so much! Ironically he’s gotten more compliments than I have but I think it’s a generational thing, I feel as though most people my age...
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    Losing Weight with my 6’0 father. I’m so annoyed that it’s so easy for him

    @ell3bee Yeah that’s probably true we’ve lost similar percentages. Perhaps I need to alter my mindset a bit. Thanks so much!
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    Losing Weight with my 6’0 father. I’m so annoyed that it’s so easy for him

    5’3 SW: 178, CW: 159, GW: 130 So I’ve been loosing weight since August 1st. All of August I did the Chloe ting challenge and I lost 10 lbs. I worked out a little in September and honestly have barely worked out in October. I’ve been trying to eat healthy this whole time but only been doing...