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  1. I

    Extremely basic question, but I'm beyond new

    @mickey3375 Everyone here is so supportive, and overestimating where I am SO MUCH. I haven’t done anything more strenuous than stocking at work in fifteen years. I could lift eight pounds, but I sure wouldn’t be using proper form doing it. The ones I have picked out are three and five, with...
  2. I

    Extremely basic question, but I'm beyond new

    @mickey3375 I joke that my cat would make GREAT weight training, but I don’t think he’d like me doing bicep curls with him very much. He’s 14 pounds and not an ounce of fat on that sleek mofo. I’ve got some free weights picked out on Amazon. I just need a paycheck of regular size to afford...
  3. I

    Extremely basic question, but I'm beyond new

    @american_in_uk Yeah, it’s actually already improving a bit. I feel like I might die instead of like I’m actually dying. Which I remember being a thing when I took that class, even though it was 15 years ago, so...nowhere to go but up.
  4. I

    Extremely basic question, but I'm beyond new

    @american_in_uk It sure doesn’t feel like I’m not working hard. More like any second I’m gonna keel over from a heart attack. As for long walks....I’m trying to stay indoors because I live in Phoenix. It’s intolerable in summer and in winter it’s not the safest place. (I have to work out when I...
  5. I

    Extremely basic question, but I'm beyond new

    Okay, so, my mom died recently. Age 61, heart failure. It was a huge shock and also a wakeup call. I do not also want to be dying of heart failure at age 61. Thus: I'm going to get in shape no matter the fuck what. By the time I get to her grave on her first yahrzeit, I want to know that if she...