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  1. P

    Therapist wants me to accept myself at a bigger size

    @66bookssss I don't know your therapist or how she communicated that, but I can see how part of acceptance comes from reframing that need part. At a US size 10, you do not need to lose weight. Your health is not in danger and I presume your body isn't under heavy strain. You do not need it...
  2. P

    I’m lost!!!

    @kuysniks That seems like a lot of protein. You should be fine at around 90-100 grams. The overall caloric intake seems fine to me. Being 250 calories above maintenance is usually what I recommend if you're being consistent. Make sure that your training is matching the bulk. You need a routine...
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    Therapist wants me to accept myself at a bigger size

    @66bookssss Not every feeling needs to be validated. I feel like internet therapy speak has really hammered "your feelings are valid" sentiments into our heads, but there's a disturbing lack of nuance to that type of sentiment. Your feelings are valid in the sense that you are a human being...
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    Finally happy with my body and diet and I’m clinically overweight

    @judenshabbot It's not your long lost brother 🥲 It's just a measurement. Aka not a big deal. You don't base your self worth on your height or shoe size I presume. Like I said, you gotta just learn to make peace with it. I don't think that the weight on the scale is always irrelevant or that it...
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    Finally happy with my body and diet and I’m clinically overweight

    @judenshabbot Hmm I've never been forced to look at my chart. But I mean if you saw it once, then I would just make peace with it. As everyone else has said you're not even overweight by Bmi standards, and BMI is, again, another tool that may be completely irrelevant to your needs
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    Finally happy with my body and diet and I’m clinically overweight

    @judenshabbot You can tell your doctor or nurse that looking at the scale isn't mentally healthy for you and would prefer to either not be weighed or be weighed by stepping on the scale backwards. Don't feel silly asking for that request--a lot of people do it and most if not all doctors...
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    Finally happy with my body and diet and I’m clinically overweight

    @judenshabbot Why do you look at it then? A scale is a tool. Why use a tool that causes you harm rather than actually helps you? Wouldn't you rather focus on other tools at your disposal? (Your health, the way you feel, hell even the mirror if you're saying you like how you look).
  8. P

    Is there a “Caroline Girvan” of Yoga or Pilates on YouTube?

    @jg_lrd If you guys really wanna challenge yourselves with yoga, you could try Patrick Beach. I'm a pretty consistent weight lifter so I consider myself moderately strong and I can't finish some of his workouts or have to constantly do the modifications