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  1. L

    Efficacy of 2 to 3 month mini bulks?

    @lovethechrist Yeah it doesn’t really make sense until you dig into it, the guy who wrote the program doesn’t really lay it out in the most clear way
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    Efficacy of 2 to 3 month mini bulks?

    @lovethechrist Thank you I appreciate the write up! To clarify your last paragraph, 5/3/1 is not just 5 reps 3 reps 1 rep. In the last set, you should actually be getting 10 reps on the 5/5/5 week, 8 reps on the 3/3/3 week, and 5-6 reps on the 5/3/1 week. Confusing I know, but that’s how the...
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    Efficacy of 2 to 3 month mini bulks?

    @lovethechrist Can you please elaborate on your last sentence? That’s really interesting if true For example, if 5/3/1 has your main work at heavy weights for low reps, and then after you are doing 50 supplemental reps, wouldn’t that be doing both strength and hypertrophy in a single program?
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    Demonizing an entire macro nutrient is probably the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Don’t fall for the fads trying to demonize carbs

    @1discipleofchristjesus01 Holy Shit someone reads carnivore twitter too much lmao Brotha, you need to grow up and eat your fruits and veggies. You should not be worrying about the anti nutrient craze Paul saladino is shoving down your throat, you are exactly the kind of alt science person I am...
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    Demonizing an entire macro nutrient is probably the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Don’t fall for the fads trying to demonize carbs

    @gogomariachiband Nope just hate seeing idiots online think they’ve uncovered some deep dark secret about carbs
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    Demonizing an entire macro nutrient is probably the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Don’t fall for the fads trying to demonize carbs

    @gogomariachiband Must suck to be so dogmatic about a diet fad, but then again you’re prob in the honeymoon phase where you think the diet cures cancer
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    Demonizing an entire macro nutrient is probably the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Don’t fall for the fads trying to demonize carbs

    @sugarcookies I’m not demonizing anything but idiots on the internet. All macros have a role in nutrition, to ostracize one if absolutely ridiculous and idiotic
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    Demonizing an entire macro nutrient is probably the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Don’t fall for the fads trying to demonize carbs

    @joaa Bruh every single keto online personality cherry picks any smidgen of data that paints carbs in a negative light They also make fun of anyone else who eats carbs and uses it as some false sense of superiority Keto and carnivore quacks are some of the most insecure people I have ever seen
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    Demonizing an entire macro nutrient is probably the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Don’t fall for the fads trying to demonize carbs

    @joaa This is a joke right? It’s an entire meal plan dedicate to avoid carbs lmao
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    Demonizing an entire macro nutrient is probably the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Don’t fall for the fads trying to demonize carbs

    @dawn16 True I guess it works for some people, I just don’t like how some people treat it as if it’s the only “right/superior” way to eat
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    Demonizing an entire macro nutrient is probably the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Don’t fall for the fads trying to demonize carbs

    @godseb Dude don’t get me started on the carnivore quacks, my twitter feed is flooded with their bullshit but I don’t block it because it’s actually entertaining to see the dumb shit people come up with lol Also it’s fun to see actual scientists clap back at them with statements that dismantle...
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    Anyone else sub out BB squats for V Squat?

    @confusedgirl98 Good point, think some kind of squat, Bulgarian/split squat, and leg extension will do the trick? That’s my general quad routine at the moment, trying to get 12-20 sets per week
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    Anyone else sub out BB squats for V Squat?

    @tri21mom Yup just started going much deeper and feeling the flex over prioritizing the contraction, had to drop the weight by like 60% but man does it burn haha
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    Anyone else sub out BB squats for V Squat?

    @tri21mom Man we are very alike haha I also have terrible calf genetics so I’m gonna steal that regarding moving calves to the front of my session. Hamstrings are the only things that noticeably grow on my lower half I agree though, finding what works is much better than doing what is...
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    Demonizing an entire macro nutrient is probably the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Don’t fall for the fads trying to demonize carbs

    @masonmatt1000 Yes! Was it a Kevin hall paper by any chance? He has a ton of research in this area, publications are here: Exactly, all macros can be converted to acetyl coa and enter the TCA cycle for...
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    Anyone else sub out BB squats for V Squat?

    @dawn16 Same, it forces you to get your knees over toes while not allowing lumbar flexion, so it’s perfect for me. I just couldn’t shake the lower back pain from high bar squats as I round my lower back the instant I break parallel, so frustrating
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    Anyone else sub out BB squats for V Squat?

    @oscarwip Gotcha, good to know
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    Anyone else sub out BB squats for V Squat?

    @oscarwip Any sources on this? Everyone including me I see do this gets a massive quad pump Maybe your form is different and is emphasizing glutes? I fail to see how this would be glute dominant if your back side is literally posted up against the pad