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    Advice for a skinny person with little to no muscle?

    @mpebv Oh i wish we had in-n-out where i live right now, i miss it 😭
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    Advice for a skinny person with little to no muscle?

    @joda22322 Thank you I'll definitely try to take it easier on the beginning to get my body used to it and then start doing more. Do you know what brands or types of protein powder i should get for the shakes?
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    Advice for a skinny person with little to no muscle?

    @shetel This is really detailed I appreciate it, I will definitely start looking into how many days I will be able to exercise so I'm able to schedule it with my work schedule too. I'll definitely pm you with any questions
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    Advice for a skinny person with little to no muscle?

    @dawn16 Oh boi, I'm in for a treat aren't I. But I will do what I have to, thank you!!
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    Advice for a skinny person with little to no muscle?

    @thabang Ah okok got it, and yeah having to stuff my mouth with food is enjoyable until it isn't lol, but I'm determined
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    Advice for a skinny person with little to no muscle?

    @thabang So keep my cardio to a low, and instead do things like weights and similar exercise?
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    Advice for a skinny person with little to no muscle?

    @harpgal Thank you for the advice, I'll definitely start eating more and making sure I get enough protein
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    Advice for a skinny person with little to no muscle?

    Hi everyone, I'm an 18 year old guy (5'7, and less than 110 lbs) and I want to gain weight as well as build up muscle, as of right now I can do some pull ups, push ups, and I can run a 7:30 minute mile. I would like to know what kind of exercises and diet I should follow in order to better...