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  1. E

    To those of you who feel you've mastered pushing to true failure, do you get grindy reps no matter the exercise?

    @jacob40524 It's very dependant on the exercise imo. For some reason, I seem to be able to grind more on compounds, presumably because you can recruit other muscles to complete the lift. If my chest gives up on bench for instance, my triceps/front delts can kick in a little extra.
  2. E

    How many exercises do you do for a muscle group and why?

    @curiouswalrus They are all at the same weight with the last one an AMRAP set. I'm relatively new so I am still aiming for lots of linear progression there. I use my warm up sets to "ramp up" to the weight and then crank out my 5x5s. As long as I complete my 5x5, I add 5 lbs. It doesn't work...
  3. E

    How many exercises do you do for a muscle group and why?

    @orthodox_christian Yep that was exactly the idea. I can only train 4 (consecutive) days a week so full body was out of the question due to recovery issues, and an upper/lower split was too leg heavy for my goals. I wanted to train everything twice, so bro split wasn't an option either. PPL...
  4. E

    How many exercises do you do for a muscle group and why?

    @orthodox_christian I do a posterior/anterior split 4 days a week. I keep my main lifts (5x5) the same and do minimal tinkering with accessory work. I swap out exercises for similar one in between meso cycles and modify the volume a bit if I want slightly different focus. But overall, the...
  5. E

    Push Pull Routine - Feedback

    I started working out only 18 weeks ago and did 5 weeks of random stuff based off an old bro split we did ten years ago (I only lasted 7 months then, so very much started from scratch again), just "proving to myself I can show up" and now I am close to completing my second cycle of 7 weeks...