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  1. T

    How has weight loss affected your bra size?

    @huk945 Went from a 75E (I think a 34DD?) to a 75C (34C). I don't care though, I'm glad I don't have to carry too big of boobs around. I love running and I don't mind my breasts staying in place, instead going up and down, even with a solid bra.
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    For those of you who’ve recruited a professional, how’d it go?

    @mikethomasahn A podiatrist working with the orthopedic surgeon I had to see helped me with my feet. Apparently I overpronate that no running shoe can fix. But thanks to his strong orthotics I can now run on any running shoe I want. My physiotherapist helped me a couple of years ago when I had...
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    How do you find time to get in 10k steps a day? (Plus a general question about time management.)

    @bham If I work from home, I too miss the "walking to work"-steps, which are only 3000 in my case. Walking 10000 steps will take my all in all an hour and a half. I generally don't have the time theoughout the week to walk that long. I love to run, so with running, it only takes me an hour. If...
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    Please help! Frustrated with myself concerning eating habits

    @krae991 What has also helped me in tracking the calories, even when you are not limiting your food just yet, is to see how much you are actually eating in a day. Especially if you have a binge day. It's very confronting and eye opening!
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    How do you all prioritize sleep especially for night owls/insomniacs?

    @bandarbo So I don't have insomnia, but my boyfriend does, or at least, had it. But not as long as you. He got a new job at his current employer a couple years ago and it stressed him out so much, and mostly the thoughts of "I still have so much more to do and I need to prove that I can do this"...
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    "Women are not small men" - ROAR by Stacy Sims

    @sadie17 Yeah true. You see it in so many sports. I follow running coach Jack Daniel's marathon training plan and it's definitely largely based on men, although he has taken female runners into account in the book, but not nearly enough. The program is great, but when my luteal phase hits it's...
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    "Women are not small men" - ROAR by Stacy Sims

    @sadie17 I have never read the book, but I did listen to her being a guest on Jason Fitzgerald's Strength Running podcast. She taught me a lot on "using" my menstrual cycle in my benefit. Very helpful!