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  1. I

    Should I start lifting weights and doing body recomp while I’m still obese or wait until I lose a good portion of the weight?

    @jasonsim Yeah that was one of my main concerns when it comes to strength training. Esp w the whole “waiting to shed the fat to reveal the muscle” ordeal which takes a long long time and doesnt sound v rewarding. I might just wait till Im around 145 so I can reach a little happy medium. I’ll...
  2. I

    Should I start lifting weights and doing body recomp while I’m still obese or wait until I lose a good portion of the weight?

    @sweetkf Interesting. How do I track my progress though? Would an InBody test be accurate or should I rely on measurements? Both? Cant really trust my self perception with body dysmorphia lol
  3. I

    Should I start lifting weights and doing body recomp while I’m still obese or wait until I lose a good portion of the weight?

    @sacm Woww I had no idea. This really motivated me thank you🙏 😭
  4. I

    Should I start lifting weights and doing body recomp while I’m still obese or wait until I lose a good portion of the weight?

    For context I’m 17f 5’0 170 pounds, started my weight loss journey in november and since then I’ve lost 15 pounds mainly through diet along with the occasional 1 hr walk on the treadmill at home which im trying to turn into a daily habit. I prefer not to obsess over my calories or macros since...