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  1. R

    Urgently need an exercise that is not push up or abs, leg required

    @ptrchunt Yep! Lots of great free and short yoga videos from Yoga with Adrienne on YouTube :)
  2. R

    Which documentaries or videos helped motivate you greatly in taking health/fitness seriously?

    @savedsue I watch really inspiring stuff, instead of the scary stuff! Banff Mountain Film Festival, Gutsy Girls films, all those outdoor adventure things - just makes me wanna get outside and train so I can do them too. Related to this, I follow a really diverse range of fitness influencers...
  3. R

    Looking for help programming to solve a fat loss plateau for my Mom (F, 65)?

    @yahhuah No, see my other comment. NEAT is all other activity, and at less than 1200 calorie your mum’s body is resisting the extreme control you are attempting to use. (Also proscribed means forbidden. You mean prescribed.)
  4. R

    Looking for help programming to solve a fat loss plateau for my Mom (F, 65)?

    @totalfloor Or, more likely, because she’s on an extremely low calorie diet, her NEAT is dropping to compensate.