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  1. P

    The Big Five Workout (Kettlebell Variant)

    @ant0099 Question: Any particular reason w.r.t. your suggestion to do a power row, as opposed to the more common bent-over row?
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    The Big Five Workout (Kettlebell Variant)

    @ant0099 Perfect. Thank you ;-)
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    The Big Five Workout (Kettlebell Variant)

    @ant0099 @ant0099 my only difficulty for the Double Snatch is that that I only have three kettlebells of increasing weight (16kg, 24kg, and 32kg). So I can't do double-arm movements. Question: Are a left-hand side single snatch and a right-hand side single snatch a reasonable alternative?
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    The Big Five Workout (Kettlebell Variant)

    @fbgah Typically what I do is use only one given weight for each exercise. For example, with : single arm exercises, I use a 16kg kettlebell; Turkish Get-Up, I use a 24kg kettlebell; squatting or swing-type motion exercises, I use a 32kg kettlebell.
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    The Big Five Workout (Kettlebell Variant)

    @fbgah Time Under Load (TUL) Traditionally during workouts, to gauge performance and assess improvement for record keeping, one focuses on counting how many repetitions are performed with a given weight or load. What is advocated instead is timing the duration of the set from the moment it...
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    The Big Five Workout (Kettlebell Variant)

    @iamabcy Indeed they're very valid concerns. You make a good point. Thank you. I've never heard of the WALRUS training. Will look into it.
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    The Big Five Workout (Kettlebell Variant)

    @faithinmet @faithinmet out of curiousity, do you know why it's referred to as the "Deep Six"?
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    The Big Five Workout (Kettlebell Variant)

    @faithinmet Wow! This looks great! I've never heard of the "deep 6" before looking at he link you provided. Thank you. Edit: To expand on the "Deep Six" link above, the content is as follows: 5 x Snatches 5 x Single Arm Swings 5 x Clean to 4. Press 5 x Squats 1 x Turkish Get-Up Sidenote: I...
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    The Big Five Workout (Kettlebell Variant)

    @bananapitt Excellent response! Exactly what I am looking for. I also love certain specific movements that are by their nature not adapted to this "super-slow" HIIT protocol. The Kettlebell Swing and the Turkish Get-Up (TGU) being my personal favourites. For this reason, I will "supplement"...
  10. P

    The Big Five Workout (Kettlebell Variant)

    The five exercises of bench press, deadlift, squat, shoulder press and pull-up (or alternatively lat. pull-down) are commonly known as the Big 5 of strength training. What would you recommend as the kettlebell variant for these 5 movements? Note #1: I have three (3) kettlebells. A 16kg, 24kg...