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  1. J

    Rite of Passage “Graduation”—how to move up bell sizes?

    @chavaayanna So I designed it like this: for each block, 20 swings and 8 presses (both arms). I did anything from 2 (8 presses per arm, 16 total) blocks, to 5 blocks (20 presses per arm). In a 5/4 scheme, one block would be: 5 swings, rest, 5 swings, rest, 5 swings, rest, 5 swings, rest and...
  2. J

    Rite of Passage “Graduation”—how to move up bell sizes?

    @chavaayanna I used a Q+D approach towards pressing the 24k in april replacing the pushups with presses. To know how many reps, I counted my max technical fail reps, (it was 4 at that time) and use that for the 10x2 blocks. I was able to start ROP this june. Now I'm in five rings of 4 rungs on...
  3. J

    Giant Interrupted

    @yaki I don't want to skip saying that I feel happy for you. 66 years old and banging those reps. I wish my fam would listen to me when I say lift some heavy shit to be happier, to be more healthy, to be more able. Anyhow, I'm proud of you pal. Keep banging that shit.
  4. J

    Giant Interrupted

    @yaki I would test my rep max and restart where aproipiated. You shouldn't feel a significant lose in 2 to 3 weeks
  5. J

    Is 300 swings/day effective on its own?

    @nipun Don't swings is great to have a better swing! In order to get in shape, what shape are you looking for? I think that for a healthy state you could target movements, push pull hinge and squat. There is a lot in the wiki here and the r/kettleballs. It takes some reading though
  6. J

    Awkward 6 - 9 rep range

    @youngman4god Eat more, work with a heavier weight for a while in lower reps, work with lower wright for higher reps ... Try to build your back with pullups, the plateau will pass