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    What are the best adjustable dumbbells for home use?

    @hoahtx Powerblocks 4 Life!
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    When I run on the treadmill I am dying after just half a mile. How can I make myself go longer?

    @thisisme123 If the goal is distance, run slower for longer. If the goal is speed, run slower for longer. Run slow go fast.
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    Fat and Tired

    @michele303 Setting goals that align with what you value is key. Seems like OP doesn’t want to be “fat and tired” anymore. I don’t think that 98% percentile athletic performance is required for those goals. Plenty of people are in top shape and never even deadlift (gasp) or run hard (also...
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    Fat and Tired

    @silverflame I run 20-30 miles per week, lift 5 days a week, feel very fit, but a 6:30 mile is FAST! Goals are great but keeping them short-term and achievable are keys for success.
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    Can anyone recommend a cheap adjustable dumbbell set from Amazon?

    @sammynq5 It’s pricey but I bought Powerblocks. Used them for 4 years now with no issues. These things will last 20 years as many users have proven. Get the “made in USA” version for extra durability. The upside is there is probably a good resale market for powerblocks versus knockoffs.