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  1. R

    “Renaissance periodization has jumped the shark” - Alex Bromley. Any thoughts on this video?

    @piecebypeace What do you mean he hasn't achieved a thing? He has his own company, coaches achieved clients, has an app, gives free good bodybuilding advise, is jacked. If you're talking in terms of bodybuilding show accomplishments, that's pretty dumb. He just doesn't have good genes to...
  2. R

    Going to failure VS chasing the pump VS volume

    @g_r_a_c_e The only exercises where I do low reps are squats and deadlifts. It's usually at least 5 reps. Occasionally less for just testing strength once in awhile. I've been careful not to ego lift. I mean I'm seeing progress, perhaps a bit slow these past few months. For example, in 2-3...
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    Going to failure VS chasing the pump VS volume

    6-10 sets a week or a session? 6 sets a week seems quite low no? I do have a good gauge of RIR since I try to test my strength by going all out to see if rep count has improved. Your point makes sense tho. When people aren't that strong yet, going to failure isn't as taxing
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    4 day split VS bro split

    @lostsoul_ You can do side delts on any day actually. Since other exercises don't work the side delts together. I do them on chest days and leg days. Rear delts are hit during back days already. Pullups, rows, deadlifts train rear delts. I also add in some rear delt isolation exercises at the...
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    Going to failure VS chasing the pump VS volume

    @helen2002 I disagree with some of your points. The first being your point about a pump not mattering at all. All professional bodybuilders (science based and gym bro types) that I've seen talk about getting a good pump in their workouts. I know this is just anecdotal evidence but if you just...
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    4 day split VS bro split

    @angel_heart I feel like the triceps get activated pretty well on chest days without extra isolation exercises. I don't feel that much biceps during back days cause I'm focusing on movements where I feel a lot of contraction in my back. So I have to do isolations for them at the end of back...
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    4 day split VS bro split

    @lostsoul_ In your case I think bro split is better. Whichever split you do, you're only hitting the muscle once a week. However, with bro split you have a dedicated day for arms when you're fresh. Will probably have more arm gains. But why don't you hit them twice a week instead. Back/bi...
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    Going to failure VS chasing the pump VS volume

    @aleks_p When you were chasing the pump, didn't you feel that leaving reps in the tank makes it harder to get a good pump?
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    Going to failure VS chasing the pump VS volume

    I know science based bodybuilding puts emphasis on volume and not going to failure on every set. Perhaps 1-3 reps in reserve per set (RIR) and only going to failure on your last set, last workout of a training block, or on small muscle groups like the side delts. This is what I've been doing...