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  1. P


    @exitworldwide Enjoy! If you like a thicker oatmeal be sure to cook most of the water out before you add in the egg whites! Then stir in the protien powder. 150g of whites makes it rather soupy/batter consistency so adjust to your taste! Works really well with cream of rice, too
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    @exitworldwide I cook first, add the whites and then cook for just a bit longer, 30ish seconds. Tonight I had 30g oats, 20g quest vanilla milkshake protien powder, 150g egg whites topped with frozen raspberries, walden farms pancake syrup and SALT! twas heavenly
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    @azchowdhury1962 This grosses out everyone I tell, but I add pasturized cartons egg whites to my shakes and oatmeal. Adds a lot of protein for minimal calories. My protien oatmeal is my favorite part of the day. Tastes like cake batter lol
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    I’m response to my last post: what’s that one food that you know is good for you or is a lower calorie option that you just refuse to eat?

    @presbyman Reminds me of the time I grew climbing Malabar spinach. Straight up turns to green mucus when cooked. It's supposed to be incredibly healthy, but I just couldn't do it.
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    The TDEE calculator says I should be consuming 1230 cals a day to lose weight. I’m 26F 5’2” 125lb, is this sustainable or realistic?

    @adriana28 The last couple sentences are spot on. Look at your calories from a weekly budget rather than a daily one. You're wiping out your weekday deficit with weekend over consumption. Maybe try eating 1400 all seven days and see if that helps you end the binges