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  1. M

    I designed a map with progression trees for most popular bodyweight exercises

    @supperz0nic This is very pretty! As for app with goals/pogressions/achievements... There's Calistree ( / ) by /@0gods4me-deveseleer which has all that, shows skill tree for every exercise, has goals, progressions, achievements... Check it out. I've been using it for...
  2. M

    What is a better transition workout: easier variations vs negatives vs lower reps vs longer rest?

    @yahleel All of those and more. Personally I view easier variations as a base - you have to be able to do more reps and more sets of easier variation than what your goal is. The negatives for me are a bit problematic. I wouldn't use them as a base, more like an accessory. And only do them SLOW...
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    Considering a new approach to strength and hypertrophy by implementing high rep training

    @brohoho IMHO high rep stuff is mostly endurance training and it's freaking boring. Just switch to harder progression that's more taxing and/or alter tempo (eg 6 sec for lenghtening of muscle and at least 1sec pause for max contraction) and the results will be better than just spamming reps.
  4. M

    Barely progressing despite doing everything right?

    @purposelychosen86 Supplement with melatonin. Start with low dose (I think 1mg is available anywhere in the world) and increase in case you need more. Make sure you eat well, don't nap during the day and don't eat at least 2h before getting to sleep.