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  1. R

    Please critique my programme: moving from the RR to SM's PPL

    Hi I'm looking for feedback on my take on SM's PPL programme. I'm 35yo male, 5'10. I've been doing RR for 10 months but am moving on as the only way I was gaining was by doing 5 sets of everything and this made the workout 2–2.5 hours long which was proving mentally unsustainable. My goals...
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    What’s your best L-sit time? And those who’ve hit 30 seconds or more, where did you go from there?

    @jermyn Yeah I feel like this is the way seeing as I hate too much direct work haha
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    What’s your best L-sit time? And those who’ve hit 30 seconds or more, where did you go from there?

    @ibken Ah I wish I could do them on my fingers. Haha. I had heard that the short arms thing was maybe a bit of a myth though? And that it’s just a matter of building the scapular depression strength until you can do with palms flat? Not saying you don’t know yourself, of course, just something I...
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    What’s your best L-sit time? And those who’ve hit 30 seconds or more, where did you go from there?

    @ibken Nice though. I feel like soon as you get your first full L sit, 1 second long or whatever, it feels like such an achievement and then rest comes in time!
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    What’s your best L-sit time? And those who’ve hit 30 seconds or more, where did you go from there?

    @billyherman45 Nice one man. What’s involved in developing the V sit once you’ve got a solid L? Where do you start?
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    What’s your best L-sit time? And those who’ve hit 30 seconds or more, where did you go from there?

    I’ve got a love/hate relationship with L sits. I love being able to do them, but I find the dedicated training for them psychologically traumatic. Lol. I’ve had periods where I worked consistently building up my numbers with dedicated sets, but now I just try one every other day, and that’s...
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    Can you reach effective hypertrophy in the 3-5 rep range with weighted Calisthenics?

    @123vicky I recently read the article in our wiki on how to train on a cut and the guidance there was high intensity / low volume - so 5x3-5 kinda range. So what you’re doing is great for minimising loss of (or even gaining some) strength during a cut but a for a lean bulk I’d work more in the...
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    Glute Training With Calisthenics: A Guide to Hip Strength

    @raykay I think there should be a section in the wiki exclusively for OP because he’s fast becoming one of my go-to resources on this sub