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  1. W

    Anything to change about diet based on blood screen results?

    @personalizedbook Good advice. Thanks!
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    Anything to change about diet based on blood screen results?

    @daninch Thanks! I tracked a typical week in Cronometer and I consistently hit 2x the RDA and I've been eating Vit C rich foods (Clementine usually) with them (a fact I learned from this community so keep preaching!). I also hit the fat targets Crono gave me for a 2K kcal diet. Doesn't look...
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    Anything to change about diet based on blood screen results?

    @jeanxon I would say iron intake has been fairly consistent as well as symptoms. Def plan to start supplementing vitamin D. Thanks!
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    Anything to change about diet based on blood screen results?

    @noah007 Thanks! A lot of good things to think through. I have iodine in my daily multi vitamin, I switched to iodized salt from sea salt about 6 months ago and I've been incorporating more seaweed in my diet (Nori) for about a month but I haven't tested that or thyroid function so that may be...
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    Anything to change about diet based on blood screen results?

    Hey Gang, Long time lurker first time poster (created my account just for this post). Quick background: 1 year vegan (mostly whole food plant based variety) and 4 years of a mix of power lifting and HIIT for workouts. So far I am a huge fan of the vegan diet but I have noticed that I seem to...