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    60/M: Old People Progress

    @creature3 Thanks.
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    60/M: Old People Progress

    @kayelynn Thanks. It's never too late. Start wherever you are and build up slow and sure.
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    60/M: Old People Progress

    @martinaigi 5'8", 135lbs if the scale is accurate. I don't know any other measurements but my pants are 30" waist.
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    Muscle Strain of the Upper Back (Trapezius Strain) keeps killing my gains and motivation

    @nisa I have had this and it was from overworking my muscles with too much back muscle exercises on the same day. I am not sure if it was rhomboid or traps though.
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    60/M: Old People Progress

    @martinaigi Thanks. I'll never stop. Lifting helps me in so many ways.
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    60/M: Old People Progress

    @cathisings Thanks!
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    60/M: Old People Progress

    @julianclayton Thanks. Never give up is my motto. I am constantly learning, changing, and adapting.
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    60/M: Old People Progress

    @mya Thanks.
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    60/M: Old People Progress

    @dawn16 Not anymore. The last 2 months I have been more consistent with my gym workouts.
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    60/M: Old People Progress

    @deepspiritual Just deciding to work out is the hard part. Once I am at the gym, the first set gets me energized, so I kind of look to that for motivation.
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    60/M: Old People Progress

    @inneed87 I had been doing super slow reps based on some reading, but then learned that faster reps are better for building muscle, so now I am lifting at the same tempo I used in my 20s, lol. It's definitely like HIIT. My heart is pounding after a set.
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    60/M: Old People Progress

    @williejdyson I hope you do not have peripheral vascular disease. Docs sometimes generalize their guesses based on age group. Running is said to double the capillaries in the calves. I do some creative visualization with health related issues. It seems to work.
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    60/M: Old People Progress

    @williejdyson I might try that. I find it difficult to just sit there resting for 2-3 min. Of course if I leave the equipment someone else might take my place. Lately I have been interspersing stretches in the rest periods. As for cramps, what is your diet like? Cramps can be related to...
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    60/M: Old People Progress

    @buildingnotmadebyhands Thanks! I'll never stop. Fitness is fun. Hey, I see hiit in your handle. I have done something called "Timmon's sprints". You've probably heard of it. 20 secs full sprint, then 2 min rest/walk, repeat 3x. Then recently I went on a 1.5 mile run, but did the whole things...
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    60/M: Old People Progress

    @psh2124 Thanks. I think so too. I can feel completely wiped out physically and mentally, and as soon as I do the first set of lifts it all changes, and that boost lasts until bedtime.
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    60/M: Old People Progress

    I don't have any "befores", and there's never been any dramatic change anyways(always been at least half-assed into fitness), but I had put on some pounds over the years, so I decided I wanted some definition more than bulk. Here is my current state.
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    Lumbar back area fatiguing after recovery from lower back strain from incline bench p ress

    @pixielisa If it is what I think it is, it helps to rest it for about a week, and if the pain or tightness persists, it can be driven out with high reps with a lower than normal weight.
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    37 y/or male feeling dejected and hopeless following shoulder injury. Any feedback/help would be appreciated

    @fausto1973 When your physical game is down, it is time to work on your mental game. When your mental game is down, it is time to work on your physical game.
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    Anyone doing One Set To Failure?

    @shirl That reminds me of years ago I had been out of the gym for over a year and then rejoined and started where I left off, and pretty much went into full body exhaustion. On top of that I got the hiccups while driving home, which my remedy for is to hold my breath. When I did that I got...
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    Anyone doing One Set To Failure?

    @shirl I completed my 3rd w.o. of 1 set to failure, and I thought of another benefit. At the end of each exercise my heart is pounding and lungs exploding, then I take around 2 min before starting the next exercise. It's very similar to HITT done for cardiopulmonary improvement; 30-45 secs of...