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  1. C

    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @latestnews I struggled with reading comprehension for a bit, I believe I figured it out in the subsequent post above but maybe not...
  2. C

    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @latestnews One more thought, if Im doing these pushups, and I can only do say, 3 sets of 10, Should I continue but do smaller sets? Or make all of my sets smaller?
  3. C

    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @hammerlabuk So as an example, if I do pushups, and say a set of 10 is just before failure (Meaning 11th I probably couldn't do properly), Then I would need to do 5 sets per a workout, and workout a min of 3 times a week? Bringing me to about 150 Pushups a week?
  4. C

    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @latestnews "Optimum number of sets for muscle growth per workout: 5-10 per muscle group, to or close to failure" should this be Reps per a set?